Confusion Matrices, Measures of Accuracy, and ROC Curves

Sven Halvorson 2020-04-24

Many statistical and life problems arise when we are trying to make a decision about the truth of the world. We often think in black in white and want to classify things as one of two options. Was this a success or a failure? Are they healthy or ill? Is this milk still good? The truth is often different than our judgement (decision strategy) and a comparison of the two can be represented by a confusion matrix.

For whatever reason, certain mathematical concepts have a hard time sticking in my brain. A popular way of plotting a decision strategy, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves, is something that I’m embarrassed to say was not natural to me until I manually created them. I think this concept is often poorly explained and there is a lot of confusing terminology. As a result, I wrote this as a reference for myself or anyone else in the event that this knowledge momentarily leaves their brain. I'll also use this as an opportunity to keep my python dreams alive.

Example Data

We'll be using a dataset of the health of women of Pima Indian descent to illustrate this concept. Our focus will be on predicting whether or not any individual has diabetes. The head of the datset looks like this:

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn import metrics
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

# Here is the dataset
dm = pd.read_csv('pima-indians-diabetes-database/diabetes.csv')
dm.rename(columns = {'Outcome' : 'diabetes'}, inplace = True)
Pregnancies Glucose BloodPressure SkinThickness Insulin BMI DiabetesPedigreeFunction Age diabetes
0 6 148 72 35 0 33.6 0.627 50 1
1 1 85 66 29 0 26.6 0.351 31 0
2 8 183 64 0 0 23.3 0.672 32 1
3 1 89 66 23 94 28.1 0.167 21 0
4 0 137 40 35 168 43.1 2.288 33 1
0    500
1    268
Name: diabetes, dtype: int64

There are a number of different demographic and laboratory values for each woman and a binary (yes/no) indicator for whether or not she has diabetes. In this sample 268 (35%) of the 768 subjects have diabetes.

Decision Rule

Our goal is predict whether each Pima woman has diabetes and in order to do that, we need to create a decision rule. This should be some sort of algorithm where, if provided with all of the necessary information, we can give a 'yes' or 'no' diagnosis to a person. To start off, let's just use a very simple rule: If the woman has a glucose level in the top 35% of our sample, we'll guess that they have diabetes. This is cheating a bit as we're using information about the true diabetes status (the proportion of people with diabetes in the sample) but let's just roll with it for now.

Here I'll go through and flag each patient based on whether their in the top 35% or not:

In [2]:
quant35 = dm['Glucose'].quantile([500/768]).to_list()
dm['pred_high_gluc'] = [int(dm['Glucose'][i] > quant35) for i in range(len(dm))]
display(dm[['Glucose', 'diabetes', 'pred_high_gluc']])
Glucose diabetes pred_high_gluc
0 148 1 1
1 85 0 0
2 183 1 1
3 89 0 0
4 137 1 1
... ... ... ...
763 101 0 0
764 122 0 0
765 121 0 0
766 126 1 0
767 93 0 0

768 rows × 3 columns

Confusion Matrix

Now that we have the true state of affairs (diabetes status) as well as a prediction about that status, we can make a confusion matrix. This matrix displays the frequencies of every combination of diabetes status and our predictions. The word confusion here refers to the fact that we're not always guessing correctly as displayed in row 766!

Here is the confusion matrix for our simple rule:

In [3]:
pd.crosstab(dm.pred_high_gluc, dm.diabetes, margins=True, margins_name="Total")
diabetes 0 1 Total
0 404 106 510
1 96 162 258
Total 500 268 768

Let's take a moment to interpret this. On the left hand side, we have our two possible predictions and on the top we have the true status (whether or not the patient has diabetes). Our decision rule predicted that 510 people will not have diabetes and 404 of those predictions were correct. Of the 258 that were predicted to have diabetes, only 162 actually had it.

Each of the four cells has a specific name and these names come in the form of (true/false) (positive/negative). The first word is whether or not the prediction was correct and the second word is the prediction (1 = yes = positive, 0 = no = negative).

Here we have:

  • 404 True negatives. We predicted no diabetes and the patient was healthy in that regard.
  • 106 False negatives. Our prediction was no diabetes but they actually have it.
  • 96 False positives. We mistakenly labeled these people as having diabetes.
  • 162 True positives. These people were correctly predicted to have diabetes.

Measures of success

The next question you might have is, how well did our little rule perform? Did we do a good job guessing using the diabetes status using this cutoff on glucose level alone?

This is where some of the difficulty in memory comes for me. There are many different ways to measure the performance of this kind of classification. On top of that, different disciplines have different words to describe same the ideas. In one context, we might talk about the sensitivity of the decision rule and in another it could be called the recall. Here is a summary of the some commonly used ones. The mathematical definitions are all framed in terms of conditional probability.

  1. $\textrm{Sensitivity} = P(\textrm{decision = 1}|\textrm{true condition = 1})$

This is the probability that we diagnose a patient as diabetic given that they actually are. The word sensitivity makes me think 'is this test sensitive enough to detect the condition?' Other terms for this are true positive rate, recall, and probability of detection.

  1. $\textrm{Specificity} = P(\textrm{decision = 0}|\textrm{true condition = 0})$

The specificity of a decision rule is how frequently we our rule gives non-diagnoses to patients without diabetes. Here I like ot think that a highly specific decision rule will give diagnoses to specifically the patients with the disease. This is sometimes called the selectivity or true negative rate.

  1. $\textrm{Positive predictive value} = P(\textrm{true condition = 1}|\textrm{decision = 1})$

A test's positive predictive value (PPV) is how often a positive test result accurately predicts the condition. If you get an undesirable medical test result, you'll be hoping for a low positive predictive rate on test. This is also called the precision. There is also the negative predictive value which is the converse of this.

  1. $\textrm{Accuracy} = P(\textrm{correct assessment})$

The accuracy of a decision rule is just the number of correctly assigned observations divided by the total number of observations. This is just saying 'how often did we make the correct decision?'

High values for sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and accuracy are qualities we would like to have for our decision rule. The next few terms speak to the ways in which our decision rule can fail.

  1. $\textrm{False positive rate} = P(\textrm{decision = 1}|\textrm{true condition = 0})$

Here we're counting up the proportion of non-diabetics that our decision rule labeled as diabetic. This is also known as a false alarm. The converse of these are the false negative/miss rate.

  1. $\textrm{False discovery rate} = P(\textrm{true condition = 0}|\textrm{decision = 1})$

Lastly, we have the false discovery rate. We can think of this as being very happy that we made a discovery, the test was positive, but we were wrong. The converse of this is the false omission rate

Returning to our confusion matrix:

In [4]:
pd.crosstab(dm.pred_high_gluc, dm.diabetes, margins=True, margins_name="Total")
diabetes 0 1 Total
0 404 106 510
1 96 162 258
Total 500 268 768

We can compute a few of these measures:

  1. $\textrm{Sensitivity} = P(\textrm{decision = 1}|\textrm{true condition = 1}) = \frac{162}{268} = 60.4\%$

  2. $\textrm{Specificity} = P(\textrm{decision = 0}|\textrm{true condition = 0}) = \frac{404}{500} = 80.8\%$

  3. $\textrm{PPV} = P(\textrm{true condition = 1}|\textrm{decision = 1}) = \frac{162}{258} = 62.3\%$

  4. $\textrm{False Positive Rate} = P(\textrm{decision = 1}|\textrm{true condition = 0}) = \frac{96}{500} = 19.2\%$

  5. $\textrm{Accuracy} = P(\textrm{Correct assignment}) = \frac{404+162}{768} = 73.7\%$

After looking at these statistics, we shouldn't be that thrilled about our decision rule. Our sensitivity is rather low; when presented with a diabetic woman, we'll only assess her as such 60% of the time. This rule is more specific though; four out of five times we will correctly give a non-diagnosis to a non-diabetic.

So we've established the confusion matrix and a bunch of fancy terms that describe how well the model performed but why do we want to look at it in so many ways? Why isn't the accuracy of the model a good enough measure on its own?

There are a number of reasons but the most compelling for me is that the consequences of these decisions are not all equal. In some cases, we might want to have a highly sensitive model because if we fail to diagnose people, they may have serious complications. On the other hand, some conditions might be very costly or dangerous to treat so having false positives could be as much of a problem as false negatives. In that case, a highly specific test could be better.

ROC curves

I implicitly mentioned that there is some tension between the different measures of success so let's consider a few different decision rules:

  1. Take no information into account and diagnose everyone as being diabetic. This will have a sensitivity of 100% but we will have a specificity of zero.
  2. Diagnose everyone as non-diabetic. This will give us the converse, a 100% specificity and 0% sensitivity.
  3. Diagnose people randomly according to the overall frequency of diabetes. This will give us 35% sensitivity and 65% specificity which is worse than the decision rule we came up with using the glucose level alone.
  4. Become an omniscient being and guess correctly every time. We will have 100% sensitivity and specificity.

From these examples, we can see that although there is often some tension between these measures, it's not a strict tradeoff. There are methods of making decisions that do better than others in every measure. With this in mind, it would be nice to have some sort of summary statistic and method of comparing which factors make for good decision rules that doesn't force us to ingest a table of all these different measurements.

One of the most common methods of assessing the effectiveness of a classification metric is a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. This is a graph that gives a feel for how the sensitivity and specificity of play out. The axes of the graph are the sensitivity and and the false positive rate (1-specificity).

Let's go through the creation of the ROC slowly. I found that just looking at them is not the easiest way to understand the concept. When you see the process, it becomes much clearer.

The first step is to sort the data according to whatever measurement you will use to make the decisions. This is often a summary measure like the output from a model but in our case we just used the glucose level:

In [5]:
dm_roc = dm.copy().sort_values('Glucose', ascending = False)
dm_roc = dm_roc.reset_index(drop = True)[['Glucose', 'pred_high_gluc', 'diabetes']]
Glucose pred_high_gluc diabetes
0 199 1 1
1 198 1 1
2 197 1 0
3 197 1 1
4 197 1 1
... ... ... ...
763 0 0 0
764 0 0 1
765 0 0 1
766 0 0 0
767 0 0 0

768 rows × 3 columns

The top 5 people in terms of glucose level were all predicted to be diabetic by our rule and four of them actually were. The last 5 all have a glucose of zero which I would have thought would be lethal but let's not worry about the integrity of the data right now.

The next piece is a bit stranger. What we're going to do is compute the cumulative sensitivity and false positive rate descending through the data set. We'll consider whatever row we're on to be the cutoff for glucose level for our decision rule. In effect, what we're doing is considering all the possible values that are present in the dataset as potential cutoffs and evaluating the overall effectiveness of glucose as a predictor.

In order to do this we need to find the cumulative count of diabetics and non-diabetics:

In [6]:
dm_roc['tp_sum'] = np.where(dm_roc.diabetes == 1, 1, 0).cumsum()
dm_roc['fp_sum'] = np.where(dm_roc.diabetes == 0, 1, 0).cumsum()
Glucose pred_high_gluc diabetes tp_sum fp_sum
0 199 1 1 1 0
1 198 1 1 2 0
2 197 1 0 2 1
3 197 1 1 3 1
4 197 1 1 4 1
... ... ... ... ... ...
763 0 0 0 266 498
764 0 0 1 267 498
765 0 0 1 268 498
766 0 0 0 268 499
767 0 0 0 268 500

768 rows × 5 columns

When we look at the first row, we're saying "we'll diagnose anyone with a glucose of 199 or greater as diabetic. With this cutoff, we'll correctly diagnose 1 person as diabetic (tp_sum = 1). No patients will falsely be diagnosed as diabetic (fp_sum = 0)" The fourth row says "if we select a glucose of 197 as the cutoff, we will have four true positives and one false positive." You can see how the sensitivity for these first few rows will be very low as we're hitting only the patients with the highest glucose but the specificity will be very high.

Using this we'll compute the sensitivity and false positive rate at each row:

In [7]:
dm_roc['sensitivity'] = dm_roc.tp_sum / dm_roc.diabetes.sum()
dm_roc['false_pos_rate'] = dm_roc.fp_sum / np.where(dm_roc.diabetes == 1, 0, 1).sum()
Glucose pred_high_gluc diabetes tp_sum fp_sum sensitivity false_pos_rate
0 199 1 1 1 0 0.003731 0.000
1 198 1 1 2 0 0.007463 0.000
2 197 1 0 2 1 0.007463 0.002
3 197 1 1 3 1 0.011194 0.002
4 197 1 1 4 1 0.014925 0.002
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
763 0 0 0 266 498 0.992537 0.996
764 0 0 1 267 498 0.996269 0.996
765 0 0 1 268 498 1.000000 0.996
766 0 0 0 268 499 1.000000 0.998
767 0 0 0 268 500 1.000000 1.000

768 rows × 7 columns

When we look at the very top of the list, we have basically no false positives. We're being very selective (specific) about which patients are diagnosed but we also did not properly diagnose many of the diabetic patients (low sensitivity).

These final two columns are what we will use to plot the ROC curve:

In [8]:
# Find the point that goes with our previously selected cutoff 
quant35_point = dm_roc[dm_roc['Glucose'] == quant35[0]]

roc = sns.lineplot(x="false_pos_rate", y="sensitivity", data=dm_roc)
roc.set(xlabel='False Positive Rate', ylabel='Sensitivity')
plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], linewidth=2, linestyle = '--', color = 'black')
plt.scatter(quant35_point.false_pos_rate.iloc[0], quant35_point.sensitivity.iloc[0], color = 'g')

How do we interpret this? What we're showing is how the sensitivity and false positive relate for every cut point in the dataset. Each point on the line is a different cut point for glucose that we could choose for the decision rule and the one we initially selected, 65th percentile or above, is the point in green.

Typically we add a reference line of y = x as this represents how well a random guessing algorithm would perform. If we guessed at random according to the true frequencies; each true positive will be accompanied by a false positive meaning the line would have a slope of 1. When we compare our algorithm, it moves vertically quickly meaning that the first few values (highest glucose) were mostly true positives. If the measurement is an effective predictor, we'll see a sharp upward movement at first as the subjects with the strongest signal are mostly true positives.

One thing that I just want to rant about is that in my opinion, this should be called a ROC path and not a curve. The fact that the dataset is sorted is essential for how the graph is made. It shows the way in which the sensitivity and false positive rate change as you change the threshold. When I first saw these I was thinking something like "if the false positive rate is 50% then the sensitivity is ..." but this isn't really how we should read it. Most of the time when we look at graphs, the values presented are observed values or derived from unordered calculations. The values that are used to create this graph, diabetes status and glucose, don't explicitly appear here.

It's a bit like the difference between these two versions of a parabola:

$$y = f(x) = x^2$$$$\langle x, y\rangle = f(z) = \langle z, z^2\rangle$$

The first shows an explicit relationship between x and y which are the axes plotted. The second shows how to plot values of x and y based on a third parameter, z, which is not one of the axes on the plot.

Comparing rules

We've seen how a ROC shows the tradeoff between sensitivity and false positive rates as we move through different thresholds. The ROC curve of using glucose as a decision rule shows that it's a better than randomly guessing. Let's conclude by answering two other questions:

  1. How do we choose the best glucose level as a cutoff point?
  2. Is there a better way of classifying people and how would we compare decision rules?

The first question is rather difficult and I can't answer it in general. As I mentioned before, choosing the right level of glucose would require a large amount of subject area knowledge. We would have to take into account what the comparative costs of false positives and false negatives are. We would also want to think about what the prevalence of diabetes within the population is.

The second question is easier to talk about with examples but finding an optimal decision rule is quite difficult. Let's just make a couple of alternatives to demonstrate the comparisons that can be made with ROC curves. Because they're relatively easy, I'll make two logistic models. One will use the lab values from each person and the other will use demographic factors. I will use some tools to make models and automated ROCs from sklearn.

In [9]:
model1 = LogisticRegression().fit(dm[['Glucose','BloodPressure', 'Insulin']], dm['diabetes'])
dm['predictions_lab'] = model1.predict_proba(dm[['Glucose','BloodPressure', 'Insulin']])[::,1]

model2 = LogisticRegression().fit(dm[['Pregnancies','BMI', 'Age']], dm['diabetes'])
dm['predictions_demographic'] = model2.predict_proba(dm[['Pregnancies','BMI', 'Age']])[::,1]

Now we'll use these predicted probabilities alternative decision rules and compare to our original.

In [10]:
# Again attach the cummulative sensitivity and false positive rate:
fpr0, tpr0, thresh  = metrics.roc_curve(dm['diabetes'],  dm['Glucose'])
fpr1, tpr1, thresh = metrics.roc_curve(dm['diabetes'],  dm['predictions_lab'])
fpr2, tpr2, thresh = metrics.roc_curve(dm['diabetes'],  dm['predictions_demographic'])

# Compute all the AUCs
auc0 = metrics.roc_auc_score(dm['diabetes'],  dm['Glucose'])
auc1 = metrics.roc_auc_score(dm['diabetes'],  dm['predictions_lab'])
auc2 = metrics.roc_auc_score(dm['diabetes'],  dm['predictions_demographic'])

# Plot
plt.plot(fpr0,tpr0,label="Glucose, auc="+str(round(auc0, 3)))
plt.plot(fpr1,tpr1,label="Laboratory values model, auc="+str(round(auc1, 3)))
plt.plot(fpr2,tpr2,label="Demographics model, auc="+str(round(auc2, 3)))
plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], linewidth=2, linestyle = '--', color = 'black')


Here are our three decision methods plotted together. We can see that the glucose alone model and the laboratory values model (which used glucose as well) are very similar while the demographics model is not doing as well (closer to the reference line. This brings us to the last piece of information that I want to mention which is the area under the curve (AUC) or c-statistic. This is a summary values and is bounded between 0 and 1. An AUC of 0.5 is the 'guessing at random' reference line.

The AUC is a measure of the overall performance of the decision rule. It's calculated, as its name suggests, as the area between the x-axis and the height of the curve. The intuition here is that if we have a very good decision rule, it will have true diabetics in the beginning of its range. This will cause the path to go mostly upwards at the beginning. The plots must go through the points (0,0) and (1,1) so the way to maximize the area, is to go upward steeply at the beginning of the path.

When we compare the AUC for these, the glucose only version (AUC = 0.788) does slightly worse than the model using all the labs (0.789). It's not too surprising that that additional lab information improved the guesses a bit but as diabetes impacts the body's ability to regulate glucose, we should expect that to be the most important factor.

Thank you for reading! I hope you learned something or at least enjoyed yourself.

I looked at a number of pages for the python syntax and strangely enough found someone using the same dataset as I did to demonstrate this concept. I'm so original!